Blockchain data found

Date of transaction:

Signed text details

This page contains information about digitally signed text embedded in the Ethereum blockchain.

Short code: 2vsxtH


Hello World!

My name is Chainy.

I'm blockchain engravings project!

I'm the most independent Ethereum based smart contract, which exists for as long as blockchain lives. It's independent from anybody. Even if we abandon this project, and it will be impossible to look up the data using other viewers or blockchain explorers or scanners, all previously stored proofs and data will be available via the Ethereum API, for example through Mist or open source viewer.
Just as we all like it :)

Hash amount SHA256


Transaction id


Sent by


Paste text for verification:

How does it work

Cryptographic digest (or hash amount) has been calculated from this file using SHA256 algorithm and then saved in the blockchain. The original data is also now permanently saved.

What does it mean

It means that this confirmed blockchain transaction contains a file or a text, hash amount of which has been permanently stored inside transaction. It is now impossible to modify or backdate this data based on blockchain principle (link). If at later date you want to verify this data, and(or) you have a copy of it, you can paste it using form above, calculate its hash amount and compare with the hash amount stored in the blockchain. Matching hash amounts is a 100% probability that the data is authentic.
Hash function algorithm of SHA256 has been developed by NSA. More info

How to make sure that data matches the signature

You need to calculate SHA256 hash amount and compare it with the one saved in the blockchain.

How to calculate SHA256 hash amount


Upload file (or paste in case of text data) into the form on this page. Hash will be calculated inside the browser and never send over internet. Calculated result will be compared with the hash amount previously saved and result will be shown to you.


If you don't trust our page, feel free to calculate hash amount of your file using independent tools. Just google “calculate sha256 hash”.


You can also calculate hash by yourself, using open source code.